Bob Jugan
Over the past few years, you have been a tremendous help to me personally and professionally! On the personal level, the training you have provided on trigger recovery and anchors has been priceless!! I have been able to enjoy social events more along with improving the relationships in my immediate family. My enjoyment of my golf game has improved, too. Recently we discussed sleep issues and as a result, I have gone from 4-5 hours of interrupted sleep per night to 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, and I feel great, now. No longer do I fall asleep after dinner out of sheer fatigue. On the professional side, we increased our annual bonus by 400% as a result of your work with myself and my employees. Our people understand how they can be triggered and how to stay in a joyous state-of-thought the use of anchors. For the first time in over 34 years, I feel like we are all working together for our common goals. The usual office tension is gone and that is priceless.
Bob Jugan | President/CEO
Security and Freedom Partners Insurance Agency, Inc
