Jessica Grenia
The best part of any internship is learning about a new aspect of business or honing your skills in your area of expertise. The best part of my Marketing and Sales Internship at TKG has been the professional and personal development. I came in to TKG wanting to try out a new side of business that I didn't really have a ton of experience with. While the whole team is lovely to work with, always willing to help and collaborate, it is my new relationship with Yolanda and Bea that I will carry with me throughout my career. Both are perfect examples of strong women in the workplace and both believed in me, challenged me, and mentored me along the way. I truly feel that the lessons I've learned at TKG transcend just learning how to develop a pipeline or build a sales process. I'm so thankful that I had this experience at the beginning of my career to instill confidence both professionally and personally.
Jessica Grenia
